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Ian Davidson

Ian Davidson is Chief Executive of Tendring District Council, a post he has held since 2010. His overriding ethos is that the Council should take a community leadership role for the area as a whole, working with all public sector providers.

Ian has led Tendring through a fundamental transformation and reorganisation programme. Ian has driven inward investment and growth opportunities whilst addressing internal structural issues. For example, Tendring has delivered funded £36 million coastal defence scheme which protected the coastline, housing and businesses whilst creating opportunities for inward investment and growth, with benefits such as: new sustainable businesses; apprenticeships schemes; new leisure and tourism offer; development opportunities; and nature and wildlife activities.

The Council has adopted an ethos that the only way to fundamentally change the way to deliver services is to take an holistic approach to public services. Ian is the Chair of the Greater Essex Anchors Group, the Vice Chair of the Essex Health and Wellbeing Board and also Chairs the Essex Strategic Coordination Group.

Prior to working at Tendring, Ian worked at the Audit Commission as an Area Manager. Ian has also undertaken an extensive programme of work on behalf of the Council of Europe, supporting the strengthening of local self-government and developing democracy and public services. This has included working in Chechnya, the Russian Federation, Serbia and Bulgaria.

Ian started his career in the RAF where he flew a desk!

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