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Who can be considered part of a disabled facilities grant

In accordance with the regulations the following works can attract mandatory Disabled Facility Grant funding;

Facilitating Access

Facilitating access by the disabled occupant:

  • To and from the dwelling
  • To a room used or usable as the principle family room
  • To a room used for or usable for sleeping
  • To a room in which there is a lavatory
  • To a room in which there is a bath or shower
  • To a room with a wash hand basin

Such works may include:

Ramping and/or steps and handrails to the main external door. This could alternatively be a rear door in the case of a rear access. Only one access point will normally be allowed for each dwelling. Should external access to a garden be required this may be considered as the main entry to the property. Ramps are only approved for wheelchair users.

The council will not provide assistance for the removal of permanent ramps once installed.

Provision of hard standings (Usually 3.4m x 4.8m maximum) will be considered where the disabled person is in a wheelchair or has difficulty walking to the house. This will only be considered where existing on-street parking is deemed unsatisfactory and a marked disabled bay is not possible or where it affords a more economic solution than providing additional paths/ramping from the roadside. Please note: being a holder of a blue badge is not the eligibility criteria for this item.

External stair lifts will only be considered if reasonably practicable and they are not prone to excessive exposure or vandalism.

Widening doors will only be grant aided where these rooms are in essential use by the disabled person and the width of the existing doors is inadequate.

Automatic door opening to main entrance doors will only be allowed for persons who have severe mobility problems or otherwise unable to open the door. Door entry systems will primarily be operated from fixed positions and wireless systems will only be considered where fixed systems will not meet the need.

Other adaptations that are necessary to facilitate access to any of the relevant rooms by the disabled person will be considered.

Where an existing stair lift breaks down an accredited service engineers report is needed before it can be considered for replacement. If it is over 10 years, a report may not be required. All new stairlifts either straight or curved will include a 5 year extended warranty.

Washing/Bathing Facilities

Adaptation of the facilities in the bathroom and toilet can include the provision of graded floor showers, lever taps, specialist WC's etc.

Existing sanitary ware will be re-used if considered appropriate.

The provision of tilling will be limited to that necessary to prevent water damage.

Free standing equipment within a shower room will not be funded by a Disabled Facilities Grant and in some circumstances may be provided by Adult & Children's Social Services.

The adaptation or provision of more than one bathroom to a house e.g. additional ground floor WC, will only be considered if evidenced by functional need and conformation that appropriate equipment can not be utilised.

Kitchen Facilities

Where someone other than the disabled person does and will continue to do the cooking and preparation of meals, normally it will not be necessary to carry out full adaptations. However, it may be possible to carry out minor adaptations to allow the disabled person to prepare light meals or hot drinks, typically this may include a low-level worktop with power points for a kettle/microwave.

Full adaptation will only be considered where the disabled person is the only or main user of the kitchen. Adaptations can include:

Alteration to the height or position of the kitchen sink and the type of taps fitted to it. Powered, adjustable-height sinks will not generally be allowed, as the provision of a second sink is a more economic solution.

A cooker point and oven-housing unit ensuring its height and position is in a safe location and the provision of work tops to either side where spacing allows.

Work surfaces located beside the sink and on each side of the cooker having a total length of approximately 1.5 metres, all at a suitable height for the disabled person where spacing allows.

Food storage in an accessible position, usually space for a refrigerator with power supply.

Wheelchair access, if necessary, including wider doors, rearrangement of facilities etc.

Alterations to the kitchen door, light switches and power points, but only if it is necessary.

Extensions or enlargement to kitchens can only be agreed where they are absolutely necessary in order to provide turning space for a wheelchair and if suitable space cannot be achieved by rearrangement of the existing facilities.

The provision of cupboard and storage units on an "essential" basis.

Mechanical ventilation for kitchen schemes are to be in accordance with the current building regulations.

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