Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan is a way for communities, in this case Ardleigh Parish Council, to take a proactive approach to deciding the future of the places where they live and work. Once ‘made’ (adopted) a Neighbourhood Plan has the same legal status as the district wide Local Plan and will be used alongside the Local Plan in deciding planning applications that fall within its area.


May - June 2024

On 22nd May 2024 the Prime Minister announced there would be a general election on 4th July 2024. Due to the pre-election period and the summer holiday period, the referendum for the Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan will be held in September.

May 2024: Publication of Examiner’s Final Report and progression to referendum

The Examiner published her Final Report on the 5th May 2024. This Final Report found that the Neighbourhood Plan met the Basic Conditions subject to a number of minor changes.

Examiner’s Report – 5th May 2024

The decision to progress the Plan to referendum was made by the Director for Planning in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Planning on the 13th May 2024. The decision itself can be found at the below link:

Decision details on the intranet web site

The details of the referendum will be published in due course.

April 2024: Post Consultation Matters

A number of representations were received as part of the Focused Regulation 16 Consultation. These, along with the Council’s decision on the HRA/SEA Scoping Report were forwarded to the Examiner.

Council’s Decision on Screening Report for HRA/SEA

January 2024: Focused Regulation 16 Consultation

The Council Is hosting a six-week focused public consultation on three specific maters. The consultation will run from Monday 22nd January to 5PM on Monday 4th March 2024.

More information on the consultation including how to make representations can be found on the Planning Policy Consultation Portal

Once the Parish and District Council had responded to the Examiner’s Interim Note, the Examiner raised a number of issues that needed addressing before the Examination could continue. These matters were: the Significant Modifications proposed by the Examiner, the Council’s Decision on HRA and SEA and the implications of the newly published NPPPF. These matters combined require a further round of focused consultation.

November 2023:

On 6th November 2023 the Examiner responded to the Council’s Interim Note Reply.

Examiner’s Email November 2023

September 2023: Council Response to Examiner’s Interim Note

On the 18th September 2023 the Council, in collaboration with the Parish Council submitted its response to the Examiner’s Interim Note. The response ban be found below:

Interim Note TDC reply

A number of other documents were also submitted to the Examiner to address points raised:

Ardleigh NP Examination Clarifications

Copy of Reg 16 Spreadsheet

APC comments on Questions of Clarification

August 2023: Appointment of Examiner and Interim Note

On the 14th June Mrs Ann Skippers was appointed as the Examiner for the Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan. The Examination for the Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan formally opened on Wednesday 12th July 2023.

On the 18th of August, the Examiner sent the Council an Interim Note of Findings which detailed a number of questions and matters of clarification.

The email and Interim Note can be found at the following links:

Interim Note Covering Email

Interim Note

June 2023: Previous Public Consultation

A Regulation 16 public consultation was hosted by the District Council between 15th May 2023 and 26th June 2023. The documents under consideration were:

Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan

Basic Condition Statement

Consultation Statement with a number of appendices

HRA and SEA Scoping Opinion Place Services

This previous consultation is now closed.

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