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Connections with Clacton transcript

St Monicas School front view

My connections with Clacton – Ann Follows (nee newton)

I was at St Monica’s boarding school from 1952 to 1958 as my parents worked abroad. During the war the flat roof was painted to look like a road from above. The pupils that were there during the war were evacuated to Devon

In 1953 I can remember when the flood came, I remember seeing the golf club completely flooded but the house for the school was on higher ground so we were not affected by the flood water. The floods came from inland and that was a reason so many people were caught off guard.

During the summer some of us older girls were allowed to swim in the sea, it was between the pier and Butlins and was patrolled by a man in a small rowing boat. I was at school with the daughter of Ernest Kingsman, who owned Clacton Pier from 1922 to 1971.

There was an Ice cream parlour in station road, I think it was called Napolitano’s. I spent a lot of my teenage years there, it was a popular place to be.

I have fond memories of the Carnival, in the early 60’s it was a real highlight and we would watch the procession, they held the contest for Carnival Queen and Princess in the Ballroom on the Pier.

Remembers Royal Daffodil did day trips from Clacton Pier to Margate.

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