The Tendring District Local Plan was formally adopted by the Council in two sections – Section 1 in January 2021 and Section 2 in January 2022. To ensure Plans remain effective, they are required to be reviewed and updated where necessary at least every five years. The Council has begun the process of reviewing and updating the Local Plan, in order to plan for and manage development in the Tendring District up to 2041.
Notice of Issues and Options Consultation
The Council is holding a public consultation on the Issues and Options that will need to be considered as part of the Local Plan Review.
Through this Issues and Options consultation residents, businesses, community representatives, developers, landowners, and anyone else with an interest in the future of Tendring can submit their views about what should be included in the updated Local Plan. Through the consultation document, the Council has highlighted the main areas it thinks will need to be looked at as part of the review and is inviting people to respond to a series of questions that relate to those areas.
Alongside the Issues and Options consultation, the Council will also be inviting proposals and suggestions for housing and mixed-use developments of different scales, commercial development, community-led or environment-led proposals for community facilities, habitat creation and open space. This is a continuation of the ‘Call for Sites’ consultation that took place last year.
The consultation period for ‘Issues and Options’ and the ‘Call for Sites’ runs from Monday 3rd March 2025 until 5pm on Monday 14th April 2025 – a period of just over six weeks.
Responses can be submitted through our interactive consultation portal: Tendring District Council - Planning Policy Consultations
Where this is not possible, paper copies of the response forms are available at public libraries around the District and at Clacton Town Hall during usual opening hours. They can also be requested from the Planning Policy Team (contact details below). Written comments should be returned to: Planning Policy, Tendring District Council, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton on Sea, CO15 1SE or
The Council will be holding drop-in events in four locations around the District. The events will be held between 3pm and 7pm, and Officers will be available to answer questions and assist with responding to the consultation.
All representations and submissions need to be received by the Council no later than 5pm on Monday 14th April 2025.
If you have any questions or require further information about the consultation, please contact the Planning Policy Team on (01255) 686177, or by email at:
The proposed timetable for reviewing the Local Plan is set out in the Council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS) which was last updated in February 2025. The LDS is available from the Local Development Scheme webpage.
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