Benefit Fraud costs the country - and you - millions of pounds every year. Put a stop to it now!
We are committed to preventing and detecting benefit fraud.
Business rates – also called non-domestic rates – fraud is when a business avoids paying the charge they owe for local services.
The most common types of business rates fraud include:
Business Rates Fraud is not a victimless crime. People who commit business rates fraud are taking money from honest taxpayers.
Complete an online form
Email us at
Or call our hotline number 0800 1697 004
All the information you provide us with will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Our investigation team deal with enquiries relating to properties located in the Tendring area which covers:
If you would like to report an allegation which is outside the Tendring area you can use the web site to find other local authorities.
Our purpose, commitment and procedures are set out in the Fraud and Corruption Strategy.
Please help us improve our website by giving us feedback you'd like to on this page. If you'd like to remain anonymous you can omit your name and email. Thanks, Tendring District Council.