If you employ five or more people you must, by law, have a written statement of your health and safety policy. This should be your own statement, specific to your firm, setting out your general policy for protecting the health and safety of your employees at work and the organisation and arrangements for putting that policy into practice. The statement is important because it is your basic action plan on health and safety which all your employees should read, understand and follow.
The legal requirement aside, a safety policy statement can bring real benefits. If it is well thought-out, has your backing, commands respect and it is thoroughly put into practice, it should lead to better standards of health and safety. Managers and employees will see the importance of the policy and will be encouraged to co-operate.
For information and answers to some basic questions about the purpose of a safety policy statement please see the 'Writing a Health and Safety Policy Statement' (opens HSE website). It gives guidance on writing an effective statement and keeping it up-to-date. At the same time it should help you to check whether you are doing all you are required to do for your employees’ health and safety.
It does not set out to give an authoritative interpretation of the law. The legal requirements themselves are, however, reproduced in full. It also contains notes on good practices which are not compulsory but which you may find helpful in considering what you need to do.
The HSE publish a useful template to help you write your Health and Safety Policy Statement.
You can contact Tendring District Council's Food and Safety Team:
Email: fhsadmin@tendringdc.gov.uk
Address: 88-90 Pier Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex CO15 1TN
Telephone: 01255 686767
Information, including what businesses must do by law, can be found in these HSE leaflets:
Health and safety regulation — a short guide
The Health and Safety Commission: Enforcement Policy Statement
The future availability and accuracy of the publications listed above cannot be guaranteed.
HSE produces a large number of free and priced publications to help you comply with the law. A free catalogue (and the publications) are available from the HSE website or by mail order from
HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, CO10 6FS
Telephone (01787) 881165
Fax (01787) 313995
HSE priced publications are also available from good booksellers.
For other enquiries ring HSE’s InfoLine:
HSE Infoline - 0845 345 0055
HSE Infoline is your first point of contact with HSE. It’s a ‘one-stop’ shop, providing you with rapid access to HSE’s wealth of health and safety information, and access to expert advice and guidance.
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