View Planning Applications and Comment

Before you make your comment, please read the following information.

The Planning Public Access system show documents, plans and the decisions made on applications, planning appeals and enforcement cases since 1991.

Details of planning applications and enforcement cases prior to 1991 can be obtained by writing to sends e-mail) and including a plan of the property or site in question.

You are able to view pending planning applications and submit your comments on those of applications of interest.

There are a number of ways to search for an application including by address, application number and parish.

Commenting on planning applications

By choosing to comment and participate in the planning process, you are agreeing to the statements and considerations below and accept legal responsibility for your comments.  Tendring District Council accepts no liability for the nature or content of the comments made and does not monitor the website.

Please note as we receive thousands of representations every year our officers are unable to acknowledge or reply individually to each comment nor enter into further correspondence.

Comments can be submitted via letter, email or through PUBLIC ACCESS(link is external) although you will need to register before you are able to comment online.   Once registered, you will be sent a verification email with a link to follow that takes you back to Public Access.

a) In accordance with National Guidance, your name and address will be published alongside your comment.  

Requests to Remain Anonymous

Anonymous comments, or those where a customer wishes to comment but does not want their name and address to be published, will have less weight.

However, your Town or Parish Council is able to submit comments on behalf of residents without providing their names and addresses; these comments will be published. You are advised to speak to your Parish Council for further information.

In exceptional circumstances, for example if you are a serving officer, or in cases of domestic safety, please contact the Planning Business team on 01255 686 161 or via email to

Please think carefully before submitting your comment and avoid including your email address or signature in the text.   Do not supply personal information about yourself or any other person. For example:

“I am making this comment on behalf of my 90 year old mother who lives alone at 121 Acacia Avenue

“My neighbour works away all week therefore the house is empty and the proposal will have no effect on him”

Please Note : We are unable to consider comments about neighbour disputes or civil matters that do not relate to the planning application itself.

b) Your comment, or an extract from your comment, could be published by a third party such as a local newspaper or social media website.

c) Racist, defamatory, slanderous or otherwise offensive or abusive comments are not constructive or helpful to the planning process and may result in action being taken by the police or individuals affected by such comments.

d) The comment page will ‘time out’ after approximately 50 minutes.  To ensure your comment isn’t lost, it is advisable to create a draft in either Notepad or Wordpad then paste it into the appropriate field.

e) Please note that there is a 2000 character limit for online comments.  Should your comment exceed this amount please email your document to sends e-mail) and a member of the team will upload the comment for you.

There are limits to the range of concerns that a planning authority is allowed to take into account when making decisions.  Here are some of the valid planning matters that you may wish to comment on :

· Planning Policy and Case Law

· Previous decisions on the same site or in comparable circumstances;

· Design, size, appearance and layout;

· Effects on amenity, loss of light, overshadowing, loss of privacy, noise odour nuisance;

· Impact on trees, landscape, nature conservation, listed buildings or conservation areas;

· Highways safety, traffic and parking.

Objecting to a planning application does not necessarily mean it will be refused and the number of comments received about an application is less important than the type of comments received.

Issues that cannot normally be considered are :

· Effects on property values;

· Loss of a view;

· Competition with an existing business;

· Land ownership or boundary disputes;

· Restrictive covenants, private rights or easements;

· Personal circumstances of the applicant;

· Preference for an alternative development

To view documents in pdf format you will require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader(link is external) software.


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