Tendring District Council has been allocated a further £563,028 via the Government's UK Shared Prosperity Fund to be spent over the upcoming financial year 2025/26. The money will be allocated across the priorities: Communities and Place, Supporting Local Business, and People and Skills. We're also pleased to announce the return of 'Extend The Season' Event Grants and Shopfront Improvement Grants, which will be available across all of Tendring.
Applications for UKSPF 2025/26 will open on 7 April 2025 and will close on 1 June 2025. Application forms for all schemes will be available on this page. Incase you missed our launch event on 12 March, you can access the slides here.
If you'd like to be notified when UKSPF launches, go and subscribe to our Tendring4Growth eBulletin, and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.
If you have any questions regarding an existing or future application, please get in touch by emailing tendring4growth@tendringdc.gov.uk
Government guidance on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund can be viewed here: UK Shared Prosperity Fund: prospectus - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
View the relevant privacy notice.
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