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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community

The Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community addresses the long-term need for new housing in our area, in a strategic way. The Garden Community was included in the shared Section 1 Local Plans for Tendring District Council and Colchester City Council adopted by the Councils in 2021. The shared Section 1 required a further Plan (Development Plan Document) to be prepared by the Councils to set out additional planning policies for the site, include identifying where certain land uses are being proposed.

The Councils have now prepared the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD). This has been informed by a wide range of evidence base documents and been subject to two formal periods of consultation.

The DPD along with other publication and submission documents was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent 'Examination in Public' by a Planning Inspector on the 21st September 2023.

The DPD can be viewed here: TCBGC Development Plan Document Submission Version

Notice of Submission: TCBGC DPD Notice of Submission

Modifications Consultation

Following the hearing sessions in May 2024, the Inspector has now recommended modifications to the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD). These are modifications the Inspector considers necessary to make the plan sound.

A six-week consultation on the modifications is to occur from 10th September 2024 and ending on 21st October2024.  All relevant comments received during the consultation period will be considered by the Inspector before any modifications are finalised. 

The Councils have prepared Frequently Asked Questions on the Modifications for further information.

You can respond to the Modifications, SA and HRA using the Consultation Portal

Using the online Consultation Portal ensures accurate interpretation of your representation, guaranteed receipt within the deadline, and the most efficient use of the Councils time during the examination process.

Please read our guide on how to respond.

DPD Modifications Consultation Guidance Note

This consultation is not an opportunity to repeat or raise further representations about the published plan or to seek further changes to the plan.

The consultation documents are:

Modifications for Consultation

DPD Policies Map - Modifications Update

Sustainability Appraisal - Modifications Update

Habitats Regulation Assessment - Modifications Addendum

A 'tracked changes' version of the DPD has also been produced to show how the proposed modifications would appear in full.  The consultation relates specifically to these documents and in particular the 'main' modifications which have been recommended by the Inspector.

Alternatively, you can respond by completing our response form.

DPD Modifications Consultation Response Form

Please send your completed response form to or Planning Policy, Colchester City Council, Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3WG.

Paper copies of the consultation documents will be made available to view at Colchester Town Hall, Clacton Town Hall, Wivenhoe Library, Greenstead Library and all libraries in the Tendring District, during normal opening hours.

Examination Website

An Examination Website has been set up which can be accessed here: TCBGC Examination website

The examination website is the principal means by which all the documents for the examination are made available to participants and the public.  Latest news related to the Examination process and timetable will be published on the 'Latest news' page. All the relevant documents can be found on the ‘Examination Library’ page.

The Inspector

Inspector G Wyatt BA (Hons) MRTPI has been confirmed as the appointed Inspector.

Programme Officer

Ms Andrea Copsey has been appointed as the Programme Officer by the Councils.  Andrea is impartial and will work under the direction of the appointed Inspector.  She will coordinate all communication between the parties to the Examination and the Inspector.  Andrea will organise and manage the administrative side of the examination.

She is the point of contact for any questions about the examination, and all correspondence with the Inspector should be addressed through her.  Her contact details are:

• Email:

• Phone: 07842 643988

The Hearings

The hearing sessions (which are part of the overall Examination) are scheduled to take place between Tuesday 7 May and Friday 10 May 2024.  An initial programme for the hearings can be viewed in the Matters Issues & Questions (MIQs) and Draft Hearings Programme.  A final version of the programme will be published around two weeks prior to the start of the hearings.

Hearings commence at 1300 on 7 May 2024

Venue: Colchester Football Ground, JobServe Community Stadium, United Way, Colchester, Essex CO4 5UP

Where the documents can be viewed

Copies of the submission documents will be made available to view at Colchester Town Hall and Clacton Town Hall.  These documents can also be viewed on the TCBGC Examination Website


Planning Policy

Town Hall
Station Road
CO15 1SE

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