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Supplementary Planning Guidance

We have a number of guidance documents that are designed to provide further details and guidance on our planning policies to help guide new development. Some are 'theme-based' and apply across the whole district, whereas others are 'site-specific' and only apply to a specific site or area in the district. All supplementary documents are ‘material planning considerations’ when considering planning applications and development proposals in the district. The 'weight' that can be attached to a supplementary document in the decision-making process depends on a number of factors including the age of the document, how much public consultation took place during its preparation and whether it conforms to both national and local planning policy.

Please note that some of this guidance is now quite old and may be out of date. New documents and guidance will be added to this page as they are produced.

Supplementary planning guidance/documents

The following documents amplify policies or proposals contained in our Local Plan.

Supplementary guidance

The following documents are theme based and have been prepared by an external body (i.e. the County Council or a government agency) to cover areas larger than just our district. We have endorsed these so we can therefore give some 'weight' to them during the consideration of planning applications:

Planning guidance

These documents do not have as much 'weight' as the more formal forms of guidance above but they can still be taken into consideration and may help influence the decision-making process. These documents are probably most useful during the early design stages of a planning application:


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