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People with Disabilities

The disabled Band Reduction scheme makes sure disabled people don't pay more Council Tax if they need a bigger property, or have adapted their home because of their disability. Your bill can be reduced by treating the dwelling as if it was in the band immediately below its actual band.

The property must be the main home of at least one person who is 'substantially and permanently' disabled. They can be an adult or a child and don't have to be responsible for paying the Council Tax. A physical disability, learning difficulties or mental health issues can all be qualifying conditions.

To qualify, the property must have:

  • A room which is mainly used by the disabled resident and is essential, or a major importance to their welfare; or
  • An extra bathroom or extra kitchen which is necessary to meet the needs of the disabled resident; or
  • Enough floor space to use a wheelchair. The disabled resident must need to use the wheelchair indoors.

Part of the application form will need to be completed by the disabled person's doctor and a Council Tax inspector will need to visit the property to view the special facilities in place.

To apply for this discount, please use our enquiry form.


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