Our Performance

Please find links below to information about our performance against the Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures and the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code:

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Tenant Satisfaction Measures are (TSMs)are metrics that all social landlords in England have to collect and report onto the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).

 There are 22 TSMs and these are grouped into the following five themes

  • Keeping properties in good repair
  • Maintaining building safety
  • Respectful and helpful engagement
  • Complaints handling
  • Neighbourhood management

Ten of the TSMs are measured by landlords through their performance indicators and 12 will be measured by an annual tenant perception survey. The RSH also sets out its requirements(including mandatory questions and methodology) for data collection and reporting.

 You can find out how well we performed against each of these measures here

Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code Self- Assessment

The Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code sets out good practice for how landlords handle complaints.

The purpose of the Code is to enable landlords to resolve complaints raised by their residents quickly and to learn from complaints to drive service improvements. It also aims to help to create a positive complaint handling culture amongst staff and residents.

The Code sets out specific requirements for landlords that will allow them to respond to complaints effectively and fairly.

You can read more about this code on the Housing Ombudsman’s website

The Housing Ombudsman expects landlords to carry out a yearly self-assessment to make sure they are complying with the code.

You can read our self-assessment here

Annual complaints and service improvement report

We are also required to produce an annual report showing how we have performed in handling complaints and setting out how we have and intend to learn from the complaints we have received.

You can read this report here.

Our self- assessment and complaints report was presented to the Council’s Cabinet in May 2024 and their response was as follows:

We thank Councillor Baker for presenting this report to Cabinet today. We fully endorse everything that he has said and warmly welcome the content of the report and its recommendations.

 As a Cabinet we recognise the importance of providing good quality housing and that responding to complaints forms an important part of that service.

 We fully support and adopt the Housing Ombudsman’s revised complaint handling code and are committed to high quality complaint handling. It is important that we learn from all complaints and provide a positive response.

 We support Councillor Baker, as Housing Portfolio Holder, taking on responsibility for housing complaints and he will ensure that we as a Cabinet receive regular information and updates on complaints, in particular, what they tell us about our housing service, what we have learnt from them and what we have done to put things right.

 It is notable that the number of complaints received has been increasing and that is something that will be explored over the coming months to see what we can do better as part of a programme of continuous improvement for our housing service.”


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