Monitoring development trends and the type and amount of development that has taken place is essential to enable local councils to understand what is happening now and to help plan for the future. Monitoring is an important part of evidence-based Plan-making and helps local councils develop abetter understanding of the local area and how Local Plan policies affect what actually takes place on the ground.
A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is an essential part of the evidence base that is needed to inform and underpin decisions on allocating sites for housing in Local Plans.
The primary purpose of the SHLAA is to:
- identify sites and broad locations with potential for housing development;
- assess their housing potential; and
- assess their suitability for development and the likelihood of development coming forward.
The purpose of the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) is to provide factual data to determine the extent to which policies in the Local Plan have achieved their objectives. The AMR is published annually, covering the period 1st April – 31st March.
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