A planning application consists of various forms, plans and supporting information such as a Design and Access Statement, Ecology Survey or Heritage Statement to justify the proposal.
We welcome any information you feel is relevant and the more information you can provide the better.
You may also be required to submit a S106 Legal Agreement in line with the Tendring District Local Plan 2013-2033 and Beyond. A contribution in respect of the Essex Coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) will be necessary on all new residential development where there is a net increase in dwelling numbers.
You can apply online via the Planning Portal or by submitting your application direct to the Council via dcadmin.planning@tendringdc.gov.uk
Please note: The Planning Portal charge an administrative fee of £58.33 plus VAT to process the online application.
If you choose to submit your application direct to TDC, from July 2023 we will no longer accept face to face card payments but you can still pay by card or cheque.
If you wish to make a card payment for planning applications, please telephone our Validation Team on 01255 686190 and a member of the team will be able to assist you. This will ensure that any payment you make will be fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). The process will involve you being transferred to a secure third party where you will be prompted to key in your own card details. This will optimise the security of credit/debit card transactions as well as protect you against the misuse of your personal information.
If you wish to pay by cheque, cheques should be made payable to Tendring District Council.
If you are seeking to discharge a condition relating to Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), it is important that you read the following page: Discharging the Biodiversity Net Gain Plan Condition (BNG)
The following links will take you to our application forms, fees and examples of the types of plans and drawings we require.
Planning Portal location plan feature
The Planning Fees have increased as of 6 December 2023.
What does this mean from 6 December 2023?
For information this new legislation introduces an annual rise in application fees linked to inflation (and capped at 10%) every April from 2025 onwards. So fees will increase year on year from now on.
Essex County Council is the LLFA (Lead Local Flood Authority) and a statutory consultee in relation to major applications. A proforma for sustainable drainage is required on major applications and the proforma, along with further information, can be found via the following link to the Design Guide Sustainable Drainage
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