Various fees are payable for each type of licence. Please make cheques payable to "Tendring District Council".
Please note that currently all Temporary Event Notices are also subject to COVID requirements and restrictions. You may also be asked to speak with the Safety advisory group regarding your event.
The fee is not refundable if the notice is withdrawn or cancelled, is made too late, or if a statutory limit is exceeded.
Please note: a temporary event notice cannot be changed once acknowledged by the licensing authority. If your event does not go ahead as planned you can cancel the TEN at any time up to 24 hours before the TEN start time and the TEN will not count towards your total yearly allowance. However, your application fee cannot be refunded.
Link to online portal to complete Temporary Event Notice
Downloadable application Form for Temporary Event Notice (pdf)
Applications for Temporary Event Notices are usually dealt with within 10 working days of receipt of a full application. In very exceptional circumstances the deadline may be required to be extended, you will be notified of the new deadline and the reason for extending it.
Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period.
Application Forms for Grant of a Premises Licence
Apply Online for Grant of a Premises Licence (Via GOV.UK)
Application Forms for Transfer of Premises Licence
Apply Online for Transfer of Premises Licence (Via GOV.UK)
Application Forms for Variation of Premises Licence
Apply Online for Variation of Premises Licence (Via GOV.UK)
Application Forms for Grant of a Club Premises Certificate
Apply Online for Grant of a Club Premises Certificate (Via GOV.UK)
Application Forms for Variation of a Club Premises Certificate
Apply Online for Variation of a Club Premises Certificate (Via GOV.UK)
Surrendering Premises/Club Licence Form
Request to be removed as a Premises supervisor (via GOV.UK)
Notification of an interest in premises under Section 178 (via GOV.UK)
Change of name & address (via GOV.UK)
Interim authority notice (via GOV.UK)
The above applications are usually dealt with within 2 months of receipt of a full application. In very exceptional circumstances the deadline may be required to be extended, you will be notified of the new deadline and the reason for extending it.
Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period.
Link to our online portal to complete Change of Designated Premises Supervisor
Downloadable application Forms for Change of Designated Premises Supervisor - Download paper application forms to complete and send back.
Change of Designated Premises Supervisor application forms can be submitted by email to Payment will then be taken once your application has been received by email and circulated to the relevant responsible authorities. This will then be processed in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003.
Applications for change of Designated Premises Supervisor are usually dealt with within 25 days of receipt of a full application. In very exceptional circumstances the deadline may be required to be extended, you will be notified of the new deadline and the reason for extending it.
Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period.
Regulations under the Licensing Act 2003 to bring in a new minor variations procedure were laid before parliament on 8 July 2009. The new procedures came into force on 29 July 2009. The regulations allow minor variations to be made to licensed premises instead of premises licence holders having to go through the cumbersome full application process by introducing new sections into the Act.
Applications must be advertised on the premises on a white public notice and the standard application form will be set out in the regulations.
Interested parties in the vicinity of the application also have ten working days from the date the application was received to make representations on the likely effect of the variation on the licensing objectives. There is no right to a hearing but the licensing officer must take any relevant representations into account.
The licensing authority has to wait at least eleven working days before deciding whether to grant the minor variation or refuse the application - and must make its decision within fifteen working days of having received the application. If it fails to make a decision in that time, the application is deemed to have been refused and the application fee will be returned unless the licensing authority and the applicant agree it can be treated as a new application.
Minor variations generally fall into four categories:
Apply Online for minor variations of premises licence (Via GOV.UK)
No. It is in the public interest that the authority must process your application before it can be granted.
Application Forms for Personal Licence
Personal Licence applications are usually dealt with within 3 months of receipt of a full application. In very exceptional circumstances the deadline may be required to be extended, you will be notified of the new deadline and the reason for extending it.
To comply with the Immigration, Asylum & Nationality Act 2006 this Council is required to check your eligibility to live and work in the UK. You will be required to confirm that you are able to live and work in the UK and that on request, you will be able to provide evidence of this.
Information on reviews of premises licences and club premises certificates
Gathering evidence for a review of a premises license and submitting an application for review
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