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Keeping in touch


Tendring District Council

Princes Theatre Facebook

Tendring Leisure Centres Facebook

Essex Sunshine Coast

Clacton Sea and Beach Festival


Main council twitter feed for updates on jobs, news releases, etc

Princes Theatre twitter feed for events and shows

Clacton air show for updates about the air show in August

Tendring Leisure Centres Twitter feed for updates on classes and activities across the district

Recycling for information about how you can get more involved in Tendring's recycling campaign

Careline for information about 24 hours a day help for the elderly and vulnerable, supporting independent stay-at-home living

Seafronts for information about Tendring's beaches and seafronts

Cycle Tendring for information about cycle events such as the Tour de Tendring

Expected behaviour on our social media

We aim to keep our social media channels as a pleasant experience for both the public and our staff to use. To help us maintain this space for the benefit of all, we expect our users to follow these rules, helping them to remain respectful of other users and our staff who run our accounts.

Our staff are also obliged to follow our Social Media Policy and internal guidelines, for the same reasons.


When uploading content:

  • all users must comply with the social media platform’s terms and conditions
  • you are responsible for the content you post and choose to share
  • we will remove or ignore posts we feel are inappropriate
  • we will report and remove any social media profiles that use Tendring District Council’s imagery without permission


We will remove, block, ban and/ or report users who direct messages at us which we believe:

  • bully, harass or intimidate any individual or organisation
  • are unlawful, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive or otherwise discriminatory
  • are deceptive or misleading
  • infringe or violate someone else's rights
  • violate the law
  • violate any intellectual property rights
  • discuss ongoing legal proceedings
  • are spam
  • advertise products or services
  • are irrelevant or off-topic
  • are disruptive
  • are repetitive


We will also remove, block, report or ban any user who:

  • encourages others to post such messages
  • uses offensive images as their profile picture
  • has an offensive user name

RSS Feeds

We have set up RSS feeds so you can keep up to date with the latest updates for:

What's on events

News items

Job vacancies


Essential Link

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