You have received this because you have missed a payment on your instalment plan and you must pay the amount shown on the notice by the date given. If you do not pay by the date given we will send you a summons. If you pay by the date given then you can continue with your instalment plan as set out on your bill.
You have received this because it is the second time in the financial year you have missed a payment on your instalment plan. You must pay the amount shown on the notice by the date given to avoid us sending you a summons. If you pay by the date given then you can continue with your instalment plan as set out on your bill.
You have received this because it is the third time in the financial year you have missed a payment on your instalment plan. You must now pay the total outstanding charge for the year before the date given to avoid us sending you a summons. If you pay by the date given then your account will be settled until you receive your new bill for the next financial year.
Make a payment
If you have an enquiry then please select the most appropriate statement below.
Please note we aim to deal with enquiries within 5 working days.
Complete the online form about moving
Complete the online form about change of tenants
Complete the online form about Local Council Tax Support
Complete the online form to apply for a Single Person's Discount
Complete the online form to enquire about a discount or exemption
It is incorrect as I/we have been declared Insolvent (bankrupt/DRO) or have an Individual Voluntary Arrangement
Complete the online form about insolvency
Complete the online form if the amount is incorrect for another reason
Complete the online form to tell us that you have already paid
Complete the online form to tell us why you cannot pay
Complete the online form if you have an enquiry about your reminder that is not covered above
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