Gambling and Betting

Please note that the Licensing Office is open for pre-arranged appointments only. Documents can be posted or emailed to the Licensing Office.

Gambling Act 2005

This Act came into force on 1 September 2007.  It created a new system for the licensing and regulation of commercial gambling. The granting of various types of licences and permits is undertaken either by the Gambling Commission or Local Authorities. All application forms and relevant guidance notes may be downloaded for completion and submission to the Licensing Authority at the address detailed below. A list of Responsible Authorities and the Schedule of Fees for applications and permits may also be downloaded but it should be noted that these fees are subject to review on an annual basis.

Gambling Fees - Please contact the Licensing Team for the current application fees.

The legislation requires that the Licensing Authority adopts a Gambling Licensing Policy which sets out how the Licensing Authority will approach its responsibilities under the Act and, in accordance with the legislation, has adopted a Gambling Licensing Policy Statement which was produced in consultation with various organisations and persons who were connected with or could be affected by the matters regulated under the new Act.

You can you read or download a copy of the Gambling Licensing Policy Statement (which was adopted on 29 March 2022) below.

Gambling Policy 2025-2028

If you would like to be included in any forthcoming consultation process, please contact the Licensing section by any of the methods detailed lower on the page.

Gambling Commission

Further and more detailed information on all sectors and categories of Gambling and Betting as an industry or as a customer/participant in gambling beyond the information shown above on Tendring District Council’s Licensing Authority’s Gambling and Betting web page including the requirements of when a Personal Licence and an Operating Licence are required to be held; can be found on the Gambling Commission’s web site

Child Sexual Exploitation and Exploitation of Vulnerable Persons

Businesses, particularly licensed businesses, can play a vital and positive role in helping to identify and protect those that are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse whether they are children, young persons or adults and preventing such exploitation and abuse from occurring  by doing the right thing and sharing anything suspicious  information that sexual exploitation or abuse of children and vulnerable persons is taking place with the relevant authorities or agencies.

By clicking on the links shown below you can read further about how to spot the signs of possible exploitation or abuse and who to report it to and in particular how you as a business in a district that has many seaside towns can play your part in keeping children and vulnerable persons safe in our area.

A Safer Seaside Town (A guide for community safety)

Child Sexual Exploitation, Know The Signs

Contact Details


Address: Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton on Sea, Essex, CO15 1SE

Telephone: (01255) 686565

Fax: (01255) 686343


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