There are several ways to evaluate the export potential of your products and services in overseas markets. The most common approach is to examine the success of your products domestically. If your company succeeds at selling in the UK market, there is a good chance that it will also be successful in markets abroad, at least in those where similar needs and conditions exist.
Another means to assess your company's potential in exporting is by examining the unique or important features of your product. If those features are hard to duplicate abroad, then it is likely that you will be successful overseas. A unique product may have little competition and demand for it may be quite high.
Finally, your product may have export potential even if there are declining sales in the UK market. Sizeable export markets may still exist, especially if the product once did well in the UK but is now losing market share to more technically advanced products. Other countries may not need state-of-the-art technology and/or may be unable to afford the most sophisticated and expensive products.
UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) recently launched Open to Export, a free service that enables British businesses to successfully expand overseas to help meet the UK's ambitious national export targets.
Open to Export is a community driven service for small and medium sized businesses, looking for help and support in exporting from the UK.
The website provides information and advice on exporting products & services from the UK in the form of articles, events and opportunities. This content is produced and contributed by our users, partner organisations and key contributors. If you think you have some expertise or advice to offer, no matter how big or small your contribution, simply register here and start participating today.
The site also hosts an interactive Q&A area, where users can ask any export-related question they have. Our community of public and private sector advisors and industry experts are on hand to provide answers and assistance. If you are seeking help with exporting, you can register here and ask the community a question.
The service is delivered by hibu (UK) Ltd, in partnership with UK Trade & Investment (UKTI). With our iconic brands such as Yellow Pages and, hibu has a rich heritage of over 45 years of connecting people looking for products and services and the businesses that provide them. We are a known and trusted partner to small and medium sized enterprises who are at the heart of communities. We help them compete in the digital world and to find markets that help them grow and succeed.
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