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Economic Development Strategy

In 2013 Tendring District Council undertook significant work to develop a 10-year Economic Strategy for the district. This work reflected the commitment of the Council and its partners, to create the conditions needed to stimulate economic growth in the district in the period to 2023.

Now, half-way through this 10-year strategy, the approach has been refreshed to:

  • Respond to the uncertain economic context both locally and nationally
  • Better understand the evidence explaining recent performance of the local economy
  • Ensure that the case for future investment in Tendring is informed by the best evidence and a clear strategy

A Refreshed Strategy: What has Changed? This document marks the continuation of the ten-year strategy which was produced in 2013. It is however clear in the evidence that there have been some changes in the local economy which have identified the need for some distinct changes of approach. These are:

  • A greater focus on the populations of Clacton and Jaywick Sands, noting a decline in economic performance of these locations. This focusses specifically on local participation within communities and addressing long term prosperity.
  • Bold action in Clacton town centre, recognising that its future is unlikely to be led by retail. Hence prototyping new ideas through more effective use of publicly owned assets.
  • Balancing the evolution of Harwich as a port with the ongoing evolution of the visitor economy in the town and surrounding area.
  • A tighter focus on two sectors: Care and Assisted Living and Clean Energy. The former is a continuation from the 2013 strategy, whilst the focus on Clean Energy represents an evolution of the original focus, promoting an agile response to emerging opportunities in offshore wind and Low Carbon energy in North Essex.
  • A focus upon the higher growth companies within the district, using their experience to support the development of policy and action to support companies within the district.

Accordingly the proposed Delivery Plan will focus on the delivery of projects and programmes already in the pipeline and those linked to the opportunities afforded by: the offshore renewables sector in Harwich; the A120; and the coastal defence works at Clacton and Holland Haven. The Delivery Plan will also seek to further develop the Council’s approach to supporting local businesses and to harmonise its contribution to inward investment via its continued work with Essex County Council and the Haven Gateway Partnership.

The Socio-Economic Baseline and Economic Development Strategy forms part of the suite of technical documents underpinning the land use policy objectives articulated within the Council’s emerging Local Plan.

Economic Development Strategy 2020-24

Economic Strategy Evidence Base


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