We are proud to be a Filming in England Partner, welcoming filming to Tendring and ensuring cooperation and commitment to assist Film and TV drama productions.
The Filming in England Partnership exists to connect different organisations across England, outside of London, in order to create a film-friendly environment.
Find out more about the Partnership on the Filming in England website: https://www.filminginengland.co.uk/partnership
If you would like to carry out a filming or a photo shoot in the Tendring area, please contact the Essex Film Office and our Communications Team to see how we can assist with locations and logistics.
You can see some of our fantastic locations on the Filming in England webpage: https://www.filminginengland.co.uk/filming-in-tendring/
Your property in Tendring could be just what filmmakers are looking for. If the property could accommodate filming, find out more and register on the Filming in England database: https://www.filminginengland.co.uk/locations
Alternatively if you own either a filming studio or a business that facilitates filming, or you are either an experienced professional or new entrant, register on the Creative England database so productions filming in the region can find you: https://www.filminginengland.co.uk/crew
Please help us improve our website by giving us feedback you'd like to on this page. If you'd like to remain anonymous you can omit your name and email. Thanks, Tendring District Council.