We, the Elections Team at Tendring, are reaching out to our younger citizens to provide insight into potential incoming changes which will have a major impact on your eligibility to vote.
The Labour Government have proposed changes to lower the age from which you are eligible to vote in England. Ministers have openly addressed this which could mean that citizens in England will be able to vote from 16 years old (previously 18 years old) . It has not yet been determined when this change could come into effect, but it is important that you register to vote as early as possible in preparation for this.
At the time of publication, those who are 12 years old, Will be eligible to vote in the next scheduled UK Parliamentary General Election in 2029.
Our goal is to raise awareness and promote voting amongst young people in schools, youth groups and other youth events.
We would love to hear from you and provide you with materials to promote an understanding of voting.
If you are interested in promoting democracy and voting to young citizens in your organisation, we have a variety of plans and resources readily available. To request your free resources, please complete the form below.
Additional useful resources can be found here:
Electoral Commission Classroom Resources
We will be offering the opportunity for our accredited team to visit and present an interactive mock polling day to demonstrate the process of voting and the importance of democracy.
As part of our visit, we will provide real-world materials for your pupils to cast their vote. Whether it be for the sport they play in P.E. or the film they will watch on the last day of term, we will create a ballot paper which allows the voters to “elect” someone or something relevant to them.
Elections@tendringdc.gov.uk / 01255 686566
Electoral Services, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 1SE.
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