Current casual vacancies and by elections

Current casual vacancies

From time-to-time vacancies on Parish Councils occur. Below is a list of the current casual vacancies on Parish Councils within the District of Tendring. The date alongside the name of the Parish Council is the date by which a request for an election must be submitted in accordance with the law:

Requests for an election should be in writing and delivered to Proper Officer (Chief Executive), Tendring District Council, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, C015 1SE. Further information regarding request for election can be found here: Requests to hold a by-election | Electoral Commission

Should no request for an election to fill the vacancy be received by the expiry date shown, the parish council must move to co-opt to fill the position

Results of previous elections

Please see tabs on the left for more information regarding previous Elections.

Contact Details

Electoral Services
Town Hall
Station Road
CO15 1SE

Telephone: 01255 686575


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