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Crucial Crew

Tendring Crucial Crew is an annual event organised by Tendring Community Safety Partnership in conjunction with Tendring District Council and provides the opportunity for all 10 to 11 year olds in the district to learn the important lessons on how to keep themselves safe and healthy.

The scenarios are based around the Partnership’s key themes. It is considered that all these topics link together and will result in the young people having an overall awareness and understanding of these prevalent subjects.

Topic:  Gangs

  • What is a gang?
  • What are the risks?
  • How young people can avoid that lifestyle.
  • Real life perspective.

Internet Safety

  • What is grooming?
  • How can it affect young people?
  • Safety Online
  • What are the signs to look out for?
  • Where to go for help – Childline

Healthy Relationships

  • What makes a healthy and unhealthy relationship.
  • Allow young people to consider different relationships within their day to day lives.
  • To recognise what can make a relationship unhealthy.
  • Provide details of support services available.

Crucial Crew 2018 was delivered during October and November.

  • For further information you can contact the Community Safety Team 01255 686868


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