Conditions Discharge and Compliance

Discharge of Condition Applications

The majority of planning approvals are subject to planning conditions. These conditions may need to be complied with – for example the standard time limit during which development must start or they may need to be discharged before development can commence.

Please note that if there are conditions that need to be discharged ‘prior to development’ they must be discharged before the development is started in order to avoid the expense of having to change work at a later date. More importantly, it could make your whole development unlawful.

Conditions that need to be discharged will have reasons attached to them. This reason should give you a good idea as to why the condition was imposed and what is expected to be provided in order to discharge the condition. If your condition relates to materials to be used in the construction of your development the materials guidance is a good place to start for advice.

Discharging the Biodiversity Net Gain Plan Condition (BNG)

If you are seeking to discharge a condition relating to Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), it is important that you read the following page: Discharging the Biodiversity Net Gain Plan Condition (BNG)

The process and fees

Please use our form provided to detail what condition you wish to discharge. The request can be made in any written form which is clear – for example a letter. It is vital that you clearly detail:

  • which condition you wish to discharge;
  • the planning application number the condition is attached to, and;
  • the address to send the response to.

The fee must be paid when the request is submitted. The fee is per request and not per condition.

The fees are:

  • £43.00 if permission was for extending or altering a dwelling house or development in the curtilage of a dwelling house
  • £145.00 for all other permissions
  • There is no fee for discharging conditions attached to Listed Building Consents.

The discharge of conditions is usually dealt with at a Planning Officer level. The Government allows 8 weeks to deal with applications for condition discharge.

If the details submitted are not sufficient to discharge the condition, your application will be refused. If your application is to discharge a number of conditions, the dischargeable conditions will be approved and the others refused. You will not have to apply for all conditions again.

There are some instances where an extension of time agreement will be accepted for a discharge of condition application. However, this will only be agreed where the matters are simple to resolve. An extension beyond 12 weeks from the date of receipt will not be agreed in any circumstance.

Condition Compliance Request

To seek confirmation that a planning condition imposed on a permission has been finally complied with, you can make a ‘Condition Compliance Request’ (COMCON) to the LPA. For example, this process can be used to confirm commencement of development and implementation of a permission.

The process and fees:

The request can be made in any written form which is clear – for example a letter. It is vital that you clearly detail:

  • which condition your condition compliance enquiry relates to;
  • the planning application number the condition is attached to; and,
  • the address to send the response to.

What you need to submit:

  • A cover letter or statement detailing the above;
  • The fee of £145.00; and,
  • Dated photos, plans, invoices or any other evidence to support your application.

It is vital that you provide sufficient information and evidence to support your request.

A condition compliance request is usually dealt with at a Planning Officer level. The Government allows 8 weeks to deal with such applications, but officers will respond sooner if possible.

If the details submitted are not sufficient to confirm compliance that the condition has been complied with, your request will be refused. If your request relates to multiple conditions, compliance will be confirmed where possible, and the others will be refused.

The fee must be paid when the request is submitted. The fee is per request and not per condition.

Please Submit all applications to:

DC Admin

Planning Offices, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton -on-Sea, Essex, CO15 1SE


Tele: 01255 686190


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