Tendring District Council has adopted a new Code of Conduct to ensure that it complies with Section 28 of the Localism Act 2011. The code sets out principles and obligations that your Councillor must follow to maintain high standards and accountability.
The District Council has also adopted a new way of dealing with complaints about District Councillors. Copies of the Code, the Standards Committee Terms of Reference, the Complaints Procedure and Complaints Form can all be accessed by clicking on the links in the Useful Documents area of this page.
**The Code cannot be used to complain about anything a Councillor does, purely as a private individual. There is also a different procedure to follow if you want to complain about the decisions or actions the Council has taken, and you can access the How to Complain page here.
You can make a complaint if you think a Councillor’s behaviour may be in breach of the Code. This includes any failure to disclose or register interests they may have in decisions taken by the Council, but only where they were acting in their official capacity as a Councillor.
The downloads in the Useful Documents area details the Council’s processes to deal with your complaint from start to finish.
Councillors are required to declare all interests they have under any of the categories referred to in the Code. They must also disclose these interests immediately after they are elected as Councillors and whenever they are involved in a Council decision that may affect these interests. They must also notify the Council’s Monitoring Officer, so that they can be added to the register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
If you would like to make a complaint about a Councillor, please use the Complaints Form available in the Useful Documents area. The documents detailing the Complaints Procedure explain how your complaint will be handled.
Full details of your local District Councillor can be found on the contact your local councillors page.
The outcome of hearings held by the Standards Committee and Town and Parish Councils Standards Sub-Committee can be viewed below:
Under the District Council's Complaints Procedure, certain decisions have been delegated to the Monitoring Officer, who provides an update at each Standards Committee and these are included below for ease.
Tendring District Council Code of Conduct
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