Please note: You will need to have a MyTendring account to complete your Citizen Access account login. These steps will assist with this.
Sign up/Sign in to MyTendring
You can use our How to sign up guide if you are having trouble
Double check and update all your profile details in your MyTendring account
You can use our How to update my details guide if you are having trouble
You will need your Council Tax/NNDR Account Number, Post Code, First Name and Surname. This must be as they appear on the Bill
You can use our How to find your details guide if you are having trouble
Click the Citizen Access tab, read the information and select the appropriate appropriate button for Council Tax or NNDR
Towards the top right corner of the screen, click “Register to use additional council tax services”
Enter your personal details as they appear on the Bill in the provided boxes. (Please include a space in the postcode e.g. CO15 1SE)
Complete the process
You should then have a screen with your name and details, you are now signed up
Please help us improve our website by giving us feedback you'd like to on this page. If you'd like to remain anonymous you can omit your name and email. Thanks, Tendring District Council.