Tendring District Council will award a discretionary reduction (under Section 13A(1)(c) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended) to the Council Tax account of a young person leaving care to live alone, or to the Council Tax account of the household a young person joins after leaving care.
Eligibility for a care leaver discretionary reduction
A discretionary reduction to the Council Tax can be made to a young person who is leaving care, aged under 21 and...
Entitlement to 'leaving care support' - The Children Act 1989 defines the categories of children entitled to leaving care support as:
Important: Before a care leaver discretionary reduction can be awarded, applicants must take steps to reduce their council tax bill by claiming any other discounts, exemptions and council tax reductions to which they may also be entitled.
After entitlement to all other discounts, exemptions and council tax reductions has been claimed, Tendring District Council will reduce the Council Tax liability of a young person leaving care to live alone, or of the household a young person joins after leaving care, to be the same as it would be if the care leaver was a 'disregarded person' (such as a student).
Applications should be made to Essex County Council personal advisors for care leavers.
For further information visit: Essex County Council - Leaving care.
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