Annual Council Tax Bills FAQ’s

I'd like to set up a Direct Debit

Direct Debit is the simplest and most reliable way to pay your council tax. It's also cheap for us to process, which helps keep everyone's bills down. If you want to set up a Direct Debit you can either:

I want to change the amount of instalments from 10 to 12 months

It is up to you whether your council tax is broken down into 10 or 12 instalments. If you choose 10 instalments you will pay more each month but will usually have a break from payment each February and March. If you choose 12 instalments, you will pay less each month but pay all year round. Whichever you choose, the total amount you pay each year will be exactly the same. If you wish to change the frequency of your instalments please use the online form.

I’m a single person - do I have my discount applied?

The 25% reduction would be deducted off the balance of the bill, if this was applied.

Please complete our Online Form to apply for a Single Person's Discount

I’m not working so I cannot afford the bill

Local Council Tax Support is a reduction of your council tax bill based on:

  • Your income
  • The size of your family
  • Other adults who live with you
  • The amount of council tax you have to pay

In general, the lower your income the more the bill can be reduced by Local Council Tax Support. Everyone of working age will have to pay at least 20% of the bill.

Other adults (non-dependents) who live with you may be expected to help you pay the council tax. This means you may get less help from Local Council Tax Support.

The rules for Local Council Tax Support are different depending on whether you are:

  • Working Age
  • Pension Age

For more information about Local Council Tax Support please visit the help to pay your council tax page.

Please use our online form to apply for Local Council Tax Support

I’m not living at the property - its empty

There is usually a full charge for unoccupied properties, whether they are furnished or unfurnished. Some unoccupied properties can receive an exemption. For further details on these exemptions, please visit our discounts and exemptions webpage.

There is a balance brought forward?

Generally the balance is due to the bills being produced before the last instalment for the financial year is due. However, if you would like to query this please contact us

I paid the balance brought forward why is this showing on the bill?

Again, this can be the same issue as above if the payment has been made the same day or after the annual billing process, then the amount will not show against the bill received at a later date. However, there could be other reasons why the payment is not showing and if you would like to query it please contact us

I have not received my council tax bill

If you have not received your council tax bill by 1 April, please request a copy using our online form.


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