Photography and Videography - Privacy Notice

The purpose for this processing

We take images for a variety of reasons in support of Council services, for example, to be used for publicity, or as a record of a public event.

Your image will only be used for the purposes as shown on the consent form you sign when the images/videos are taken.

Your data (image) could be used on printed publications, digital promotion (social media/video) and/or press releases.

The personal data collected on the consent form will be held securely and will only be used for administrative purposes case we need to contact you regarding the use of your image.

Legal basis for this processing

Article 6 Lawfulness of Processing (Section 1, (a))

The data subject has given consent to the processing of those personal data for one or more specified purposes.

What data do we collect about you

  • Pictures / Images
  • Videos
  • Audio

Personal data on the consent form:

  • Name
  • Signature
  • Contact information
  • DOB (if under 13 years)

How long do we collect your personal data

Data will be reviewed on an annual basis and held for no longer than three years. After this, your personal information should be deleted.

If, later, you complete a new consent form for the same personal information, then the retention period will effectively be extended to 3 years from the date this is completed.

Once your photo, video footage or audio recording has been used we will not be able to recall it (for example, if it has already been printed in a magazine or has been used on a website or online document).

Images of historical value may be offered to the offices of Essex Archivist and held indefinitely in the public record -

Who do we share it with?

  • Relevant internal Council officers and departments
  • Key partners – such as those related to a campaign or event.
  • Images used by media, for promotional purposes, will be available publicly, both online and in publications, for the general public to see.

Where we get it from?

No automated decision making applies to this process.

Withdrawal of consent

You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Council, inwhich case we will cease any future processing. Please note: images/videos thathave already been used cannot be withdrawn from wider circulation.

The purpose for this processing

Legal basis for this processing

What data do we collect about you

How long do we keep your personal data

Who we may share it with

Where we get it from

Is any automated decision making applied

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