To help to improve employment outcomes or prospects of future employment outcomes for long-term unemployed individuals and groups facing the most complex and intractable barriers to work
Article 6,Paragraph 1 (a)
The Data Subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for this purpose.
Article 9,Paragraph 2 (a)
The Data Subject has given explicit consent to the processing of these special category personal data (1) for this specified purpose.
In accordance with the Grant Agreement terms and conditions, identifiable personal information will be retained for a period of up to 2 years following the end of the Grant Period for the purpose stated above.
Organisations that we may share your information with will include the following, as appropriate to your circumstances:
Support Services:
Please Note: This document will be reviewed on a monthly basis and any amendments required relating to the organisations listed above will be made to this published notice.
Self Referral from the data subject themselves
DWP – JCP (Job Centre Plus) Referrals
Referrals from relevant external support organisations such as those listed above.
No automated decision making applies to this process.
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