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Winners revealed for 2023 Pride of Tendring awards


Unsung heroes from around the district have once again been recognised in Tendring’s own version of the New Year’s honours list.

The 21 recipients – 17 individuals and four groups – of this year’s Pride of Tendring Awards, now in their 11th year, have been unveiled today (18 January, 2023).

This year’s Pride of Tendring winners include litter pickers, community and youth group organisers and charity fundraisers, who all work hard to better the lives of others.

All the recipients will be officially celebrated and presented with their award at a special ceremony at Clacton’s Princes Theatre, being held on Thursday, 9 February 2023.

Celebrating people from right across the district who make a real difference to their communities, the awards are run by Tendring District Council (TDC).

District councillors put forward nominations from a wide variety of groups, organisations and individuals throughout Tendring, all of whom are very deserving of an award.

Peter Harris, TDC Chairman, congratulated this year’s recipients.

“It was a really heart-warming experience to be on the nominations panel and learn about so many people doing so much good around Tendring – I cannot wait to meet them all and congratulate them at the awards event,” Councillor Harris said.

“The Pride of Tendring Awards is a small way of giving some thanks to those who donate their time and energy for us all, without seeking reward or recognition for what they do.”

The Chairman’s chosen charities this year are the RNLI and veterans’ groups.

This year's winners are:

Joseph Cullen – Nominated by Mike Bush

Joe has been a stalwart within the Wix community for more than 40 years, despite dealing with many challenges following a horrific road accident aged seven.

These limitations do not suppress Joe’s determination to make a difference in his community.

He is always the focal point for the annual Wix Fayre raffle ticket sales and is renowned for his recycling, collecting thousands of cans and metals for re-use.

Joe also works tirelessly collecting thousands of pounds in donations for the Royal British Legion (RBL) Poppy Appeal; for which he has received a 30-year service medal and certificate from the RBL.

Beverly Sencier – Nominated by Mary Newton

Beverley is hardly ever seen without a bag to pick up litter – even when she is going shopping or having time at her beach hut, the bag to collect litter is with her.

Even when attending functions outside of her immediate community, Beverley will pick up litter between the car and venue.

When others post on social media about their environmental activities Beverley is among them quietly picking up litter.

She is a true stalwart in the Community.

Alan and Vida Dingwall – Nominated by Jayne Chapman

Alan and Vida live in a former warden controlled complex, and since the wardens were withdrawn have looked after the residents.

They are on call 24/7, do repairs, sit with residents and take them shopping, to the doctors or fetch prescriptions. Realising some residents were alone they organised weekly coffee mornings, and join the Hospice Open Gardens weekend – raising hundreds of pounds annually. Whenever there is a fundraising event you can rely on Vida to appear with her famous pineapple and fruit cake.

Alan is also the chairman of YMCA Brightlingsea, past chairman of the Guild of Freeman, works for Elmstead Parish Council as a groundsman, and was also an organiser and treasurer for the Volunteers of Thorrington Mill.

Marilyn Peck – Nominated by Dan Land

Marilyn has been at the heart of many of Beaumont’s countless events and groups for more than 20 years.

As secretary of the village hall she helps with its daily running and fundraising, and is part of Speed Watch. Marilyn is actively involved in many events, including the Santa’s brunch, and is the Fete Committee treasurer.

Treasurer of the Friends of the Church, Marilyn fundraises for the building, and regularly tends to the graveyard; also joining village litter picks she takes the rubbish for onward collection.

Marilyn also supports numerous elderly individuals, offering support, care and kindness.

Colin Gould – Nominated by Mick Barry

A well-known and respected local businessman, Colin has a long history of supporting Brightlingsea causes. In addition to being Chairman of the Royal British Legion branch and running the town's Rugby Club he provides financial and practical support to many organisations and events; including donating a Christmas tree to the town every year, helping the free music festival, and sponsoring other community projects.

Colin rarely says no and will always find a way of making things happen for the benefit of the Brightlingsea community, where he has had a lifelong involvement.

Adrian Smith – Nominated by Andy Baker

Adrian has sourced equipment for the Clacton Volunteer Litter Pickers and helps out weekly, also organising the yearly beach clean along the coastline from Jaywick Sands to Walton-on-the-Naze.

He liaises regularly with River Care/Beach Care, and led efforts to eliminate Himalayan Balsam from Pickers Ditch; an area he is working with Essex Wildlife Trust about on maintenance and biodiversity.

Involved with cold water swimming group the Blue Tits he has encouraged several people to join to boost their health.

Adrian helps anyone in need, including taking some to hospital very early for an operation arranged with just two days’ notice.

Susie Jenkins – Nominated by Graham Steady

A passionate defender of wildlife, for the past six years Susie has dedicated herself to improving our environment and ecology.

Susie founded Cobnuts, an eco-arts collaborative providing free arts and nature-based activities; their Alresford sculpture won a DEFRA Bees Needs Award. Cobnuts runs sessions for numerous community groups.

Susie set up Brightlingsea Nature Network, coordinating conservation days, and in 2022 Susie was a co-founder of Mending Matters, a volunteer-run refill shop selling eco-friendly products and hosting free activities to reduce waste.

Active in Brightlingsea Town Council’s Nature Recovery Group, Susie is also Chair for the Neighbourhood Plan Environment Working Group.

Janet and Ray Phillips – Nominated by Dan Casey

Janet and Ray Phillips run the Handicraft Club, which has grown from 11 to 79 members in just 18 months – proving so successful it has had to temporarily stop taking on new members.

Holding activities including bingo, raffles, quizzes, lunches and handicrafts, it is a loud and happy group which also do day trips and hold a Christmas party.

The main criteria of the Club is "fun"- members enjoy each others’ company and when they laugh and joke with one another it does, in some small way, help them physically and mentally to enjoy their time at the Club.

Dementia Café Volunteers – Nominated by Mark & Gemma Stephenson

Nine outstanding volunteers have for many years supported Clacton's Dementia Cafe, providing a warm welcome for people living with dementia and their carers. For some it’s the only time the leave the house during the week.

Giving around 1,800 hours annually, these dedicated and wonderful volunteers bring joy to people living with dementia. Sessions include refreshments, games, activities and music.

During Covid-19 the volunteers made regular calls to members who were lonely and isolated, and helped with shopping.

Anglia Ruskin University has highlighted the cafe as a fantastic community asset making a huge difference to people’s lives.

Walton against Lazy Littering – Nominated by Delyth Miles

Walton Against Lazy Littering (the WALLYS) began in March 2021 when Rachel Barford and Jane Hafford removed car park litter and realised there were other places to tidy.

Rachel publicised the first official event; 28 people turned up and it has gone from strength to strength, with picks held fortnightly.

From 59 litter picks WALLYS have collected about 250 bags of rubbish. As much as possible is recycled or donated – including to the beach toy library, which they monitor. Averaging 10 volunteers per pick, in their first year 660 hours of volunteer time were logged, with another 340 to date.

St Osyth News – Nominated by John White and Michael Talbot

This group produce the monthly church magazine, with 2,500 copies distributed free of charge to every house in the parish.

The team was formed more than 14 years ago to continue the church magazine which itself was more than 100-years-old.

There is no doubt the magazine pulls together the parish. All 28 village organisations are invited to submit details of their meetings and events to be printed along with reports from the church, the parish council, and reports from both district councillors; encouraging new members and community participation. Each edition consists of 50-60 pages.

Clare Leach – Nominated by The Labour Group

Clare runs the Harwich Sings Tendring Voices choir, which has just celebrated its ten-year anniversary.

Performances include concerts, visits to various care homes including Acorn Village – where residents participate – charity fundraising, community events and festivals such as Harwich Illuminate and Harwich International Shanty, and other events. Clare also runs well-attended and much appreciated monthly dementia friendly sing-alongs.

The choir is a mental and emotional lifeline to many of its members. Clare brings purpose, confidence, camaraderie and joy to all, with ages ranging from babies to older people. Passionate about the power of music, Clare supports everyone with humility and care.

Mandy and David Rose – Nominated by Carlo & Val Guglielmi

Professional artists who have toured the world, Mandy and her husband David have for many years provided entertainment at Manningtree community events. They are unbelievably successful in securing funding so they can provide activities for free.

Mandy was born in Manningtree and she and David are extremely well known to everyone in the community. Since 2018 they have organised the Manningtree Christmas Illuminated Window trail, and in 2022 began the Winter Light Night Festival and Lantern Parade, free community arts events.

During the summer they toured Essex Libraries with George the Bookworm, a popular initiative encouraging young people to read.

Maria Gormley – Nominated by Jeff Bray

Maria, who sadly suffered a stillbirth some 30 years ago, created a baby loss awareness group in Clacton.

For the last four years Maria has organised a ribbon display at Clacton Memorial gardens to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week. This provides a place where those unfortunate enough to have suffered the loss of a child can leave a ribbon as a memorial; importantly raising awareness of a subject often avoided.

Maria’s tireless effort has also raised many hundreds of pounds for the charity SANDS, which supports parents at what is an incredibly difficult time.

Janet Brown – Nominated by Alan Coley

Involved with Manningtree Squadron Royal Air Force Cadets for more than 30 years, Janet has been commanding officer for 26 years.

Her dedicated stewardship has seen hundreds of young people benefit from the experience. She has guided and supported them, playing a prominent part in developing them – often through character-building adventures not available without the cadets and Janet. Cadets are also present at each Remembrance Parade, under Janet’s charge.

Many existing cadets’ parents were themselves cadets under Janet’s guidance. After a generation’s service Janet is stepping back as Officer in Charge; but will remain an active role as Squadron Adjutant.

Weeley in Bloom – Nominated by Peter Harris

Operating since 2016, Weeley in Bloom began as part of the Residents’ Association, and from 2020 has been its own organisation.

Volunteers dedicated to enhancing their community, the group plants wonderful flower displays throughout the village – creating a sense of pride and bringing smiles to those who pass them – and also do litter picks.

Team spirit amongst the group is tremendous; working together they provide tremendous support to each other, which is great for well-being and mental health.

Over the years their efforts have been recognised by Anglia in Bloom with Silver Gilt and Gold awards in 2022.

Michelle Thorpe and Jimmy Jukes MBE – Nominated by Peter Harris

Jimmy and Michelle founded UK Homes 4 Heroes Pride & Passion in 2010 to help homeless ex-service personnel, which includes two mobile homes in Weeley for veterans’ families to holiday in –the second opened in 2022.

The charity also helps veterans find permanent homes, and recently worked with Tendring District Council to help a 71-year-old homeless veteran sleeping rough in Clacton.

Outreach projects include helping with food, clothing, advice and counselling, while future plans include a Tendring facility for veterans’ support.

Jimmy and Michelle are remarkable, dedicated and passionate people who we are very lucky to have within our community.

Terry Cuthbert – Nominated by Lynda McWilliams

Terry is very committed to Frating, not least as parish councillor for 20 years – and currently the parish council chairman. In addition Terry is the village’s tree warden and TDALC representative.

Terry has worked hard to get adjustments to traffic lights, to secure speed checks, resolve a flooding issue, and ensure footpaths are kept in good order.

Recently the village hall celebrated its 100th anniversary, and as chairman of the Village Hall Committee Terry was principal organiser; he has also secured funding for a new kitchen and defibrillator at the venue. Terry was also on the village sign committee.

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