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VJ Day service held at Clacton War Memorial


A service was held at Clacton War Memorial this week (Tuesday, 15 August) to commemorate the 78th anniversary of VJ Day.

The Service of Remembrance, hosted by the Clacton branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL) and supported by Tendring District Council (TDC), saw standards on parade as well as wreaths laid by different groups and organisations.

The service, which took place at 11am and was led by Reverend David Lower, commemorated the end of the Second World War in the Pacific theatre of operations and Victory over Japan.

TDC Chairman Gary Scott joined the service, and said it was a sombre occasion.

“So many people lost their lives in the Far East during the Second World War, in what was a particularly terrible part of the conflict, so it is vital that we stand together and remember their sacrifice – and pledge to not see such events take place again,” Councillor Scott said.

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