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Tendring4Growth Business Fortnight launch highlights opportunities across the district


Clacton Leisure Centre hosted a range of illustrious speakers for the launch event of Tendring District Council’s (TDC) Tendring4Growth Business Fortnight yesterday.

The event was well-attended with a room full of local business owners who learned how a range of projects are providing business opportunities throughout Tendring, including the High Street Accelerator and Freeport East.

The Tendring4Growth Business Fortnight continues with a range of free events happening across the district to support businesses to grow and reach their full potential. There is something for everyone with topics including tourism, digital marketing and cybersecurity, women in business, arts and culture, and high street trade.

Ivan Henderson, TDC Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism, encouraged businesses to attend.

“The Business Fortnight is a great opportunity for businesses to not only develop new skills to foster growth, but also to come together to establish new networks where best practice can be shared and challenges overcome. If you haven’t already booked your ticket, do so today.”

“We want to do everything we possibly can to support businesses and have been reaching out to find out what challenges they might be facing to see whether we can help them,” said Councillor Henderson.

“It’s been fantastic to see businesses connecting to achieve the shared goal of improving Dovercourt High Street through the Harwich Town Partnership. This has achieved results which we are really proud to have helped facilitate to improve our visitor offer and increase pride in our area, and we hope that businesses will continue to engage in this partnership once the pilot ends.

“We’ve also been delighted to be working with the newly formed Clacton Coastal Tourism Group to encourage more partnership working to bring improvements to Clacton, and in the future, we want to work with more communities across the district to enable them to reap the benefits of collaboration.”

Speakers included Paul Milsom, Chairman of Harwich Town Partnership; Stuart Burns, Managing Director of Dura Composites; Simon Papworth, Strategy and Policy Manager at Freeport East; and Councillor Ivan Henderson.

To find out more and book a ticket, visit the Tendring4Growth Eventbrite page.

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