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Still time to make your voice heard on vision for Tendring District Council


There is still almost two weeks left to contribute to the consultation on the Vision for Tendring District Council (TDC).

The council is updating its Corporate Plan – a key document which lays out the high-level priorities for the authority over the next four years. Its current Corporate Plan ends in 2024, with the plan period matching the electoral cycle.

Our Vision, a draft new Corporate Plan, is currently out for consultation so the public can have their say.

Encompassed with a Community Leadership approach and listening to our residents and businesses commitment, it sets out five themes:

• Pride in our area and services to residents

• Raising aspirations and creating opportunities

• Championing our local environment

• Working with partners to improve quality of life

• Financial sustainability and openness

Councillor Ivan Henderson, TDC Deputy Leader, said the whole Cabinet wanted the Vision to capture what local communities felt were important to prioritise.

“The draft of Our Vision is based upon the feedback we’ve taken from residents during the election campaign, and from all councillors, of all parties, as we begin a new four-year term,” Councillor Henderson said.

“However, it is so important that we continue to listen to our communities, and we want to know if this draft Corporate Plan reflects what is important to them.

“So, if you have not done so already, please give us your comments before the consultation closes so we can ensure this guiding document for the next four years delivers for Tendring.”

Following the seven-week consultation, the Vision will be further reviewed in light of the feedback received, before a target adoption date by full council in November.

Take part in the consultation by visiting - paper copies are also to be made available at TDC offices in Pier Avenue and the Town Hall, Clacton. The consultation closes on Monday, 25 September 2023.

The consultation is being supported by an independent company, Mackman Research, which is carrying out more in-depth consultation with a representative sample of residents and businesses, as well as partners.

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