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Special services to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day


Residents across Tendring are being invited to join veterans as they commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

A service will be hosted by Clacton Royal British Legion and Tendring District Council (TDC) at the war memorial in Clacton’s seafront gardens on Thursday, 6 June, at 11am.

It will mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which saw the launch of Allied operations to liberate Europe from Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

The service will be led by the Rev Mark Mulryne with a reading by TDC Chairman Dan Casey.

Councillor Casey, who is also President of the Clacton Royal British Legion and the council’s Armed Forces Champion, said: “D-Day was a turning point in the war and a beacon of hope for the millions of people living in Nazi-occupied Europe, but it was also a tragic day for the many families who lost loved ones.

“On Thursday, we will be paying tribute to those brave souls who gave their lives to liberate the continent.

“Alongside the service, the commemorations in Clacton will also include two epic shows at the town’s Princes Theatre, which promise to be a fitting and nostalgic tribute to those who fought for our freedom.”

On 11 June at 2pm, the TDC-run theatre will be staging ‘Thanks for the Memories’ featuring heart-warming nostalgic songs and a flag waving finale paying tribute to the veterans of the armed forces.

On 22 September at 2pm, the theatre will host The D-Day Darlings’ as they present their brand new show marking the 80th anniversary of the operation, which will see the wartime-inspired group perform the best loved songs of the era.

To mark D-Day, Harwich Royal British Legion and Harwich Town Council will be laying floral tributes at the Fronks Road Memorial in Dovercourt on Thursday at 6.30am, to coincide with the timing of the first assault on the Normandy beaches.

A civic church service will then take place at St Nicholas Church, Harwich, at 10.30am.

Visit the council’s website at to view information about the D-Day anniversary.

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