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Residents urged to prepare for arrival of Storm Ciaran


Tendring residents are being urged to prepare for the arrival of Storm Ciaran.

The low pressure storm system currently crossing the Atlantic is due to arrive in the UK from tomorrow (Wednesday, 1 November), with potential impacts felt in the Tendring area from early on Thursday, 2 November.

A Met Office Amber warning for wind is in place from 6am until 8pm for southern coastal areas of the district – including Walton-on-the-Naze, Frinton, Clacton and Brightlingsea – while the whole district currently has a Yellow wind warning for the whole day (Thursday, 2 November).

With the precise track of the storm not known, there is a chance the warnings – which currently warn of the potential highest impacts – could change, and people are encouraged to keep checking the forecast and for updated weather alerts. Local impacts are currently expected in Tendring from the afternoon onwards.

Residents and businesses are being urged to prepare for the storm, which could see gusts of more than 60mph – causing very large waves, damage to properties and trees, and potential disruption to travel and power.

Preparations include making sure loose items outside, such as garden furniture, trampolines, or bins and recycling boxes, are secured or moved inside, and that people know what to do in the event of a power cut or flood.

People are also being strongly urged to stay away from the coastline, including cliff tops, during the storm due to the risk of large waves crashing over bringing debris, or sweeping people away. Additionally people should avoid wooded areas due to the risk of trees being blown over.

Councillor Gina Placey, Tendring District Council (TDC) Cabinet Member responsible for Emergency Planning, encouraged people to heed the advice given.

“We all know there is a beauty within the ferocity of storms, but it is simply not safe to be along the seafront during a storm such as this, so please stay away and follow the warnings and advice given.

“I want to reassure people that we here at TDC, along with our partners across Essex, are preparing to play our part in any response needed to the storm – but we also need you to do your bit to help reduce the risk to yourself and others.

“The advantage of our weather forecasting and warning system means we have time to prepare for storms such as this – which, as we know, can lessen or worsen – so please use that time to secure loose items, clear up the garden if you have one, and be prepared to ride out the storm.”

Specific advice about what to do in the event of a storm, such as flooding or fallen trees, can be found at

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