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Public's views wanted on vision for Council


Consultation will begin soon on the Vision for Tendring District Council (TDC).

The authority has begun the process of updating its Corporate Plan, the council’s key document setting out its high-level priorities for the organisation over a four-year period.

TDC’s current Corporate Plan is due to end in 2024, with the plan periods matching the electoral cycle.

A draft of the new Corporate Plan, being called Our Vision, has been agreed by TDC’s Cabinet to go out for consultation.

The draft of Our Vision picks up five themes, all encompassed with an approach of Community Leadership. The themes are:

• Pride in our area and services to residents

• Raising aspirations and creating opportunities

• Championing our local environment

• Working with partners to improve quality of life

• Financial sustainability and openness

Mark Stephenson, TDC Leader, said it was important that people across Tendring had their say on the proposed vision.

“We have created this draft vision based upon what people told us at the recent elections and feedback from all councillors during our induction sessions – but at the heart of this approach is listening to what the public tell us is important to them,” Councillor Stephenson said.

“That is why we are really keen to hear what people think about our high-level priorities for the next four years, to allow us to focus our efforts, capacity and resources on the things that matter.

“So I would urge everyone to have their say in the upcoming consultation.”

Details of the consultation will be revealed in the coming weeks following approval of the process by Cabinet today (Friday, 21 July).

The Vision will be reviewed following the consultation, with a target adoption date by full council in November of this year – with the plan coming into effect from 1 January 2024.

Further detail can be found in the Cabinet report here: Agenda for Cabinet on Friday, 21st July, 2023, 10.30 am (

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