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Positivity and collaboration will be key for council going forward


Positive engagement and collaborative working will be necessary for Tendring District Council (TDC) to succeed, the authority’s leader has said.

Neil Stock OBE set out this requirement at the conclusion of his State of Tendring speech, delivered to full council last night (Thursday, 2 March).

Councillor Stock used the annual address to set out many of TDC’s accomplishments over the past year: ranging from grants given out under the Tendring Community Fund; progress on capital projects such as the Sunspot commercial workspace in Jaywick Sands and the Starlings redevelopment in Dovercourt; the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community and Freeport East projects; and the council’s business support initiative Tendring4Growth.

He also celebrated the return of Clacton Airshow after Covid-19, the success of the Princes Theatre, various awards and accreditations won by the council, and work to clamp down on rogue landlords.

In his speech, Councillor Stock said: “We lead the way in Tendring with innovative solutions, relentless positivity and a ‘can-do’ attitude, as we aim to improve the lives of our the people who live here.”

Citing the shifting background environment – such as Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, Brexit – Councillor Stock added: “Despite those huge and unprecedented problems Tendring District Council has shown that we can rise to these challenges, through sound financial management, embracing new ways of working, the ability to adapt and change our plans in often-rapid circumstances and our work with partners. All of this we do to support the residents of Tendring.”

Summing up, Councillor Stock said: “We continue to face many challenges in Tendring, and notwithstanding the forthcoming elections, I urge members to carry on contributing positively to address the issues and problems that the council faces. There will be some really difficult decisions to make; it is likely that we will have to look at different ways of delivering services and that will not be easy.

“I am more convinced than ever that success, however you chose to define it, for this council, for this district and for our residents in particular, can only be achieved by us engaging positively and working constructively with our partners; in the public sector, the private sector and the voluntary sector, and also with each other across the council chamber.”

Also praising the work of council, Councillor Stock concluded saying: “We must continue to support our residents through whatever challenges emerge, working together, pro bono omnium [For the Good of All, the TDC motto].”

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