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Play areas in Tendring see significant upgrade


Four children’s play areas across Tendring have seen significant upgrades.

Tendring District Council (TDC) which owns the play areas have invested over £90,000 for works on installing new play equipment and flooring.

Some additions include new toddler swings, requested by parents of younger children. Along with a multi-use toddler units that allow children of all abilities to play together and use their imagination for play. New flooring installed to makes the sites safer and more accessible. Whilst older equipment that was uneconomical to repair has been removed.

All four sites were financed by section 106 monies and completed by three different contractors. Halstead Road Kirby Cross and Roydon Way Frinton - Educational Play Environments, Foots Farm Gt Clacton (behind Willow Tree Nursery) -Sutcliff Play, Burrs Road, Great Clacton - OPL

Michael Talbot, Tendring District Council’s (TDC) Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Space, said the major improvements to what is currently available will be of great benefit to residents.

“Not only are the existing areas being upgraded but there is a host of new items being put up which will benefit many youngsters.” Councillor Talbot said.

“It will also provide a visual improvement to the sites situated in public open spaces.”

“My thanks goes to our contractors for carrying out the works,and I hope the local community will work with us to keep these facilities in good condition for years to come.”

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