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Plans for mixed-use development at former quarry backed by councillors, subject to further consultation


Plans for a new mixed-use holiday and residential development at a former quarry in Brightlingsea have been backed by councillors, subject to further consultation.

Artemis (Brightlingsea) Ltd’s bid to develop the former gravel workings at Lower Farm, East End Green were unanimously backed by Tendring District Council’s (TDC) Planning Committee at a meeting on Tuesday, 5 November.

The project aims to transform the 81-acre site into a mixed-use tourist and residential development of retirement living lodges, detached farmstead houses, and holiday lodges along with separate communal buildings providing dining, leisure and recreation facilities.

The development is set to include 104 holiday lodges, 36 retirement units, and five market dwellings.

Additionally, the site would host an ancillary social hub, glamping areas, a multi-use games area, events space, and nature play areas, alongside new ecological features such as lake and reedbed creation.

Located on the north-eastern edge of Brightlingsea, the restored quarry land is now a diverse landscape of open scrub, grassland, and woodland around five open lakes.

The proposal expands upon a previously approved scheme for the site and would see a 51 per cent increase in the footprint of the buildings, although there would be no increase in the number of units.

Despite objections from Brightlingsea Town Council and 108 representations of objection from residents, focussing on over development of the site and the loss of an important green space, an Environmental Impact Assessment concluded that the development would not adversely affect residential amenity, highway safety, landscape or ecological interests.

After councillors raised concerns over birds using the habitat, the application was approved subject to a positive re-consultation with Natural England in respect of the impact of the development on curlews utilising at the site.

If the approval goes forward, it will be subject to a Section 106 agreement, securing contributions for affordable housing, the Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS), public open space and highway improvements.

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