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New design guide adopted for Jaywick Sands


A new design guide has been adopted setting out how properties should be designed in Jaywick Sands.

Tendring District Council’s (TDC) Cabinet agreed the document at its meeting on Friday, 17 February to help shape how planning applications in the area will be assessed in the future.

The guide – which was subject to public consultation last autumn and was scrutinised by councillors – helps to address the balance between new homes  being flood resilient, while avoiding issues of overlooking and generally improving design.

Jeff Bray, TDC Cabinet Member for Planning, said the design guide was a positive step for Jaywick Sands.

“Jaywick Sands has a complex past, which is reflected in the different types and standards of buildings found there,” Councillor Bray said.

“Historically an approach to this has been to not allow any further development; but we are taking a positive stance and welcoming new building providing it is done in the right way – which is what this document sets out.

“My thanks go to our consultants HAT Projects for their work on this, and to everyone who has contributed through the consultation too.”

As a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), the Jaywick Sands Design Guide forms part of adopted planning policy, and planning applications will be measured against its criteria when being assessed.

It addresses issues such as character, flood safety, scale and building form and streetscapes; as well as setting minimum space standards and guidance on sustainability and accessibility.

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