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New Corporate Plan adopted by Tendring District Council


A new corporate plan has been adopted by Tendring District Council (TDC), setting out the authority’s strategic direction for the next four years.

Full council unanimously approved the document, called Our Vision, at its meeting tonight (Tuesday, 28 November).

A key document which lays out the high-level priorities for the authority over the next four years, the current Corporate Plan ends in 2024, with the plan period matching the electoral cycle.

Our Vision has been amended following a public consultation held during the summer – which saw hundreds of residents give their views – and sets out six key themes surrounded by a Community Leadership approach. Each theme is supported by its own inter-linked priorities for action.

The six themes are:

  • Pride in our area and services to residents
  • Raising aspirations and creating opportunities
  • Championing our local environment
  • Working with partners to improve quality of life
  • Promoting our heritage offer, attracting visitors and encouraging them to stay longer
  • Financial sustainability and openness

Changes made from the original version include the addition of a sixth theme (promoting our heritage offer, attracting visitors and encouraging them to stay longer), and some changes to the supporting priorities.

Mark Stephenson, TDC Leader, said the new Our Vision meant the council’s work could be focused on community wants and needs.

“I am grateful to everyone who took the time to feed into the development of our new Corporate Plan, including fellow councillors, the public, businesses and third sector organisations too, and their views have really made a difference to the final document,” Councillor Stephenson said.

“With Our Vision now in place we can shape our work, policies and strategies to make sure we deliver for our residents and communities; whether that be getting the basics right, boosting jobs and tourism, and supporting clean and tidy communities.

“Like all local authorities we face a challenging financial picture, and, while better placed than many, tough decisions will still need to be taken; having Our Vision means we can make better informed choices and be upfront about them too.

“This is a truly ambitious vision, connecting the very major projects we have going on in our district – from the new garden community, to the Levelling Up funded initiatives, and Freeport East too.

“We cannot deliver all of this alone, which is why Community Leadership wraps around the whole of Our Vision and one of the themes is working with partners; together we can improve the lives of those living and working in our community.”

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