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Mental health hub in Clacton gets £28k boost


A unique mental health hub in Clacton has been given a £28,000 boost thanks to Tendring District Council (TDC).

The Mental Health Hub, run by Citizen’s Advice Tendring, is a one-stop shop to provide assessment and intervention for vulnerable residents with poor mental health.

The hub, in High Street, provides a broad range of support, including an opportunity for volunteering which may help to lead to employment.

The hub, which was set up nine years ago, is funded by TDC, Essex County Council, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and the NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board.

TDC’s Cabinet today (Friday, 24 May) allocated £28,000 to the hub after hearing that without the funding provided by the council it may not be able to continue.

Councillor Gina Placey, Cabinet Member for Partnerships, said: “The mental health hub in the only one of its kind in Tendring.  

“When originally set up, the partners came together recognising the significant mental health challenges facing residents in the area, and in particular in Clacton’s Pier Ward, which has high levels of poor mental health.

“They recognised the valuable contribution a mental health hub could deliver, both through providing support directly but also through the opportunity of volunteering and potential employment, which is an effective way of addressing poor mental health.

“The work of the hub is in line with Our Vision to work with partners to improve quality of life to promote safer, healthier well-connected and inclusive communities.

“It helps to address issues around social isolation and helps to meet aspirations around community safety.”

The council is currently undertaking a wider review in relation to the allocation of grant funding, which will include future funding of the hub.

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