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Leisure centre staff help save lives of two people


Staff at Tendring leisure centres have helped to save two people by performing CPR in separate incidents.

On Monday evening (27 November) staff at Walton-on-the-Naze Lifestyles sprung into action upon learning someone had collapsed near to the front entrance.

Employees from the Tendring District Council-run (TDC) leisure centre performed CPR until the centre’s defibrillator could be used, with these combined actions able to bring the casualty back to consciousness by the time paramedics arrived.

It follows a medical incident two months ago at Dovercourt Bay Lifestyles during a match on the artificial pitch where a player collapsed, and in similar circumstances leisure centre staff performed CPR and deployed the centre defibrillator – again helping to save the casualty.

It is understood both people involved are well on the road to recovery.

Mick Barry, TDC Cabinet Member for Leisure and Public Realm, praised the swift actions of the centre staff.

“The professionalism, calmness and quick thinking of our staff in very difficult and challenging circumstances is to be lauded,” Councillor Barry said.

“They used their training and expertise to save the lives of two individuals suffering heart attacks, and my thanks go to them for this.

“I would also like to send our best wishes to the individuals involved on behalf of the whole council.”

Tom Abell, Chief Executive of the East of England Ambulance Service, said: “I would like to thank the staff at Walton Lifestyles, who put their basic life support training into action when coming to the aid of a man in cardiac arrest on Princes Esplanade on Monday afternoon.

“Their quick response in commencing CPR and administering a shock with a defibrillator before our ambulance crews arrived on scene undoubtedly played a significant part in the good outcome for the patient.

“They are rightly being commended for their actions and this is another example of the importance of learning CPR and having an accessible network of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).”

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