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Invite to join Remembrance Sunday service


A parade will take place in Clacton on Remembrance Sunday to commemorate all those who have lost their lives in service.

Uniformed youth organisations, representatives of the armed forces, veterans and others will join the parade taking place from 10am on Sunday, 12 November.

The parade will start at Clacton Town Hall, with the Tendring District Council (TDC) Chairman and other dignitaries taking a salute, before it proceeds down to the town’s War Memorial in the seafront gardens for a Remembrance Service, led by Reverend David Lower.

Organised by TDC and the Clacton branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL), the service is open for all to attend.

Dan Casey, TDC Vice-Chairman and Armed Forces Champion and President of the Clacton RBL, encouraged people to come along to pay their respects.

“We always have a strong turn-out for Clacton’s Remembrance Sunday service, and I hope that this year is no exception,” Councillor Casey said.

“There is such a strong community spirit as we come together to remember the fallen, and the horrors of war – and the Act of Remembrance is vital so that we do not forget this sacrifice and horror, so that we can seek to avoid it in the future.”

Some roads around Clacton town centre will be temporarily closed to traffic on Remembrance Sunday to allow the parade to proceed safely. These include Station Road, Pier Avenue (between the town square and Pier Gap) and a small section of Marine Parade West and Marine Parade East around the seafront gardens.

A number of other towns and villages across Tendring will be holding their own Remembrance Sunday services too.

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