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Healthy Homes initiative to improve quality of housing in Jaywick Sands


A new team is being set up to tackle poor housing and improve residents’ quality of life in Jaywick Sands.

Delivered by a team of Tendring District Council (TDC) environmental health officers, the Jaywick Sands Healthy Homes Initiative will initially drive up improvements to private rented accommodation in the area.

The two-year scheme is funded with £900,000 from the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance – the cash is funding the officers, while any home improvements will be funded by landlords or existing grant schemes.

Phase one of the project – which came about following the results of a housing survey conducted in the area – will focus on housing, with phase two looking at the environment and fly-tipping; meanwhile a possible third phase would look to increase community use and stewardship of open spaces.

Paul Honeywood, TDC Cabinet Member for Housing and with Special Responsibility for Jaywick Sands, said the intervention was designed to improve overall quality of life for local residents.

“One of the main priorities of the council is to provide quality housing for all, and we know from all of the available data that there is a particular issue with this in the private rented sector in Jaywick Sands, hence this initiative,” Councillor Honeywood said.

“The great thing about this Healthy Homes Initiative is that it will see a team of people on the ground who can build a relationship and work with the community to see the environment – first inside, then outside – bettered for all.”

Mark Cory, Chair of the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance, added: “Having a quality, well-insulated home is vital for people’s continued good health, both physical and mental, and if we can get that right then it vastly improves residents’ lives.

“That is why health funding has been invested in this hugely exciting project which I am sure will change many people’s lives for the better.”

The team, which will be based at the Enterprise Centre in Lotus Way, Jaywick Sands from April, will begin by engaging with the local community. Their work will target private rented accommodation, working with tenants and landlords to secure improvements; and enforcing improvement works where an informal approach fails.

Phase two will focus on clearing up hot-spot areas, along with waste and recycling education, to provide a fresher look.

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