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Have your say over topics councillors should be scrutinising this coming year


Residents are being asked to have their say over which issues Tendring District Council’s (TDC) scrutiny committees should be looking into this coming year.

A consultation is underway to gather the views of residents, town and parish councils and partner organisations in relation to the work programme for both of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

People are being asked to have their say on what topics the committees should explore in 2024/5.

Councillor Graham Steady, Chairman of the Community Leadership Overview and Scrutiny Committee, said: “This is a chance for residents to raise matters that they believe need a focus over the next 12 months.

“The council has two teams of dedicated councillors who act as critical friends in relation to its services and to other bodies locally such as Essex County Council, schools, the NHS, energy providers, rail and bus companies.

“There may be things people think are going well and others that need improvements – and we want to hear what they are.”

The Council’s Community Leadership Committee reviews district-wide issues often involving partner agencies while the Resources and Services Committee looks at services provided by the council and how they are funded.

Councillor Paul Honeywood, Chairman of the Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, added: “Scrutiny is very important to ensure the council delivers high quality services.

“Each year the work programme sets out what topics the committees focus on and the successful outcome of this depends on the involvement of councillors, experts and residents.

“This is now your opportunity to help make a difference in your community by telling councillors what you think the committees should be looking at over the coming year.”

To have your say and for ideas of what the committees have considered in the past, visit the TDC consultations webpage at

The consultation runs until Friday, 10 May.

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