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Global coffee brand CEO hailed Tendring as a fantastic place to do business at Tendring4Growth Business Fortnight launch


Scott Russell, Global coffee brand CEO of Paddy & Scott’s named Tendring as a “fantastic place to do business” in his address at the launch event of Tendring District Council’s (TDC) Tendring4Growth Business Fortnight on Monday.

The newly opened Sunspot – a purpose-built business centre on the seafront at Jaywick Sands – hosted a range of dynamic speakers to a well-attended room full of local business owners.

Councillor Ivan Henderson, TDC Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism, said the Sunspot and Business Fortnight has a lot to offer for local businesses.  

“It’s great to see what this fantastic facility will bring to the area and local businesses,” said Councillor Henderson.

“Speaking from experience, sometimes you are labelled with the address you come from…and people look at the address and think there’s not much future [there]... But I’ll tell you with the right ambition everyone should have an opportunity and chance in life, and this is what we are here for - to give that support to make sure everyone can enjoy an opportunity that they may have for their future.”

Scott Russell from Paddy & Scott’s, who grew up in Jaywick Sands, also shared his inspirational global business journey and hailed the area as a fabulous place to do business.

“It’s really lovely to be back in Jaywick, because I had my first ever job in Jaywick in 1980,” said Mr Russell.

“I’m now the head of a global coffee brand that produces enough coffee to fill 90,000 cups of coffee per day… [which] is about £70 million a year. And here’s the kicker, Paddy & Scott’s isn’t my first gig - it’s my fifth company I’ve built and sold four companies prior totalling a little over £50 million. So not bad for a little Jaywick kid.”

“Essex gets a bad rap - I think it’s one of the most entrepreneurial counties in the UK…and a fabulous place to do business.”

Event sponsor Backing Essex Business, who offer free business support and advice to businesses across Essex, were also in attendance and advised local businesses attend the Business Fortnight, where they can learn more about the support they offer.

If you missed the event, a recording is available to watch on TDC’s YouTube channel and there is still time to book your place at events next week by visiting the Tendring4Growth Eventbrite page.

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